Throughout May and June of this year (2022) some friends and I have been joining Wendy from offering online prayers for healing. Each Thursday evening between 7.30 pm and 8, we’ve been live on Facebook and Instagram sharing words of knowledge and praying. There have been several stories of Jesus healing people both on the evening and also as some have watched the recording back the following day, which has been amazing!

Here are a few of the stories

Someone with neck and shoulder pain who had been unable to sleep on their left side was able to sleep comfortably for the first time in 6 months.

Someone whose knee was healed during one of the evenings went from being in lots of pain at the start to being able to jump up and down on it by the end.

Someone responded to a word of knowledge we brought about a loss of taste. They had not been able to enjoy coffee and various foods for 7 months. As they listened to the recording the following day they felt a strange sensation on both sides of their jaw and decided to test it out. They discovered their taste and smell had greatly improved and were now able to enjoy cleaning their teeth and drinking a flat white!

Someone who asked for prayer because of repeated miscarriages discovered following the evening that she was in fact pregnant!

Someone who had been lying in bed with back pain throughout the day  experienced warmth and the pain easing as we prayed and since then there has been so much improvement they are now feeling mobile again

And someone else reported that the ringing from tinnitus had completely stopped in their ears!… Jesus, we give you all the glory!!

Up until the end of June, you can still join us on Thursday evenings and after that do keep an eye out both here and on social media for when we’ll be running these again. In the meantime, we’d love to hear any stories of how Jesus meets with you as you watch these recordings.